Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Production Process
Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Production Process
Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Production Process
Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Production Process

Foundry Maintenance Department

In this department maintenance is carried out on all casting and production machines. Here also ordinary maintenance and modifications of moulds and tools (core boxes and chills) are executed. Furthermore, we develop and build in this department our own foundry machines. Starting from the standard offered by the market, through targeted modifications over the years, we have created models of machines designed according to our production needs.

Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Core Department


Let us start at the beginning of our process.

Simonfond - Foundry


In the foundry department, the art and ancient craft of casting takes shape.

Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Finishing Department


In the finishing department, core residues inside the workpiece are removed.

Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Finishing Department


We have a specific department where the mechanical machining of bodies is performed.

Simonfond - Specialised Brass Foundry - Industrial Subcontracting - Finishing Department


This is where maintenance is carried out on machinery and equipment used in production.